Monday, September 23, 2013

2nd Day of Fall

I let 2 months go by.  A long and hot summer and a strange one, too.  Fires and floods on the Front Range but dry as a bone here.  I spent more time training horses than riding them and it was fine.  The two girls from Vision One kept me busy and my usual riding friends were also otherwise occupied.  The garden flourished until I lost control of the weeds around the end of July.  It only took a couple of good rains and I was buried hopelessly in weeds.  I am in the process of pulling up the vegetables and picking what is still likely to ripen and I will spray the heck out of the weeds that took over.  That might help the perennial weeds from coming up next spring.  Otherwise, I am going to grow way less so I can keep control.

I am completely freaked out at the state of these once United States.  Right before my eyes we are being balkanized beyond recovery, our culture being suffocated by 3rd world uncivilized barbarians.  The middle east is also in transition and all sovereign nations are being burned out and taken over by pure evil as the savages are armed with US weapons to kill moderates, Christians and create one giant shythole of blood thirsty druids.

Americans are being treated like second class citizens while arabs and invading mexicans are given cities and put on the gravy train.  The fundamental transformation the muslim in chief is in full swing and the DC traitors paid and elected to protect Americans has joined the global cabal against us.  International jihad is taking place via orders from the Oval Office and the CFR/UN ghoul despots who have couped the US govt.

I spend some time on the website articles where there is a disqus discussion room below the article.  I have been astonished and saddened at the number of Americans who are still following this scum raghead communist in chief.  They rabidly support his shenanigans because they don't know any better.  They have been brainwashed in the CommonCoreAgenda21 goolag schools and completely divided from anything about patriotism, God or love of country.  They are indoctrinated against the real history of our country and taught to despise American culture.  There is divide and conquer and controlled opposition at work to take down our Christian sovereign nation.

As fall comes to the Rockies and we have storage food, lots of wood and we are remote enough not to be in the mix of the matrix, I thank God for divinely bestowed liberty and pray that evil perpetrators and the foolish sheep who worship the demons will be smitten and our nation as well as other once free and sovereign nations will survive global hell on earth.  I know that I am a spirit living in a body and the Blood of Jesus courses through my veins.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

TheVisionOne Girls

Samantha adopted Lakota at the Spirit Wind adoption. 

Samantha and Amber worked with RiverBelle, the yearling and he loved it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My first Vision One student, Samantha.  She can ride Dusty, Taffi and here she is on BigRed.

Some changes this summer

Our loved truck we bought from Grandpa John turned 27yrs old and we sadly retired it.  We now have a 2004F250 SuperDuty Turbo Diesel!  The equines will travel in luxury, or at least the people will.

Jack's 1986 Toyota pickup that he owned for 12 years and his brother owned before that has expired.  Sold for parts to B&T Auto.  Jack bought a 2001GT from the good folks at B&T and is driving in style.

Gypsy is a month old

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

David's job at the cemetery includes setting up 300 flags every Memorial Day.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer Arrived Today

We have had a cold spring.  Mostly freezes at night the last month but today is warm, sunny and no sign of night freezes in the forecast.

There is a lot to report on from the farm.  I tend to post more often on  because I get news feeds on the timeline and because I can keep in quick touch with horse friends and some far away family.

Jack graduated with HONORS and has some job prospects, mostly teaching percussion from drums to marimbas.  Good blessings are upon him and he has worked very hard.  His big brother and Hawaiian dad came for graduation and we got to see Grady almost every day.  We wish the whole family could have come, too.

Foxfire, our stallion, produced 3 beautiful foals this year.  We have never had a disappointment from him.

Irrigation water is getting scarcer as the years go by.  Not from draught.  This is the government criminal goons from hell doing it.  With massive invasion forces from everywhere around the globe flocking here and breeding like roaches, water is being taken from everyone.  Our allotment ratios keep decreasing as they funnel water to accommodate the population booms.  One day, not too long from now, rural life will end.  The whole nation is spiraling into a banana republic tyranny.

Weed control is easier this year.  We worked hard to keep weeds out of the garden and pastures the last few years.  The results are worth the effort.  I sprayed the driveway and some dock weed in the front pasture but not like I have had to over the years. Of course the surrounding fields produce weeds, too, along with the street edges so it is a continual battle.  David says golf courses, cemeteries, municipal parks and planned communities have chemicals that work better and longer than what we can buy.

Del came over with his backhoe and pushed down 25 big Russian Olive trees from the south pasture.  I love this.  Not only will I be able to see all the way to Delta but the thorns won't be stabbing horses and we will have good hardwood for next winter.  We hope Jack will be able to help us clear it all this fall.  He is very handy with the chain saw.

The late cold weather took it's toll on the fruit.  We lost the cherries, apricots, peaches, plums and much of the asparagus.

Helen gave us a camper trailer.  A big one.  Jayco.  We are delighted to have it for company and we parked it in the front field for the view.  We have water and electric up there. 

The garden plot is tilled and ready for seeds and seedlings.  It looks like the freezes are done so I might plant this weekend.  We usually get freezes up to 6/1 but the forecast looks good this coming week.

Pictures will follow.  Who can believe it is almost summer?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Senior Recital

Jack sets up the hall for his performance on Wednesday, May 15th.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

marching jack

He said he resented the new marching band course but I think he looks awesome!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Dusty is 18 now.  I am glad we have a daughter, Taffi.


Spring is showing up in the Rockies.  Fruit trees are blooming and the earth is greening up.  Time to tackle weeds and repair fences damaged by the deer over winter.  The horses are shedding and we expect 3 foals shortly.

I am going to sprout vegetables indoors and hope I can get a good crop of greens.  I love a page called 'growfoodnotlawns'.  It has hundreds of pics and ideas.  Wish we could try a bunch of them.  So much to little is the case for all of us.

Stetson had to have one eye removed so he is now our pirate.  Not with a patch but a sewn up hole.  Poor guy.  He is our toughest ever dog.  The smallest and toughest.  He is getting old but endures physical problems without a single complaint.

The feral cat colony continues to grow despite our best efforts to get them caught and to the vet.  We have caught up all the males and the youngest kitties but we have a very pregnant mom and have tried for a year to catch her.  She comes up and into a crate to eat but as soon as we try to close the door on the crate she bolts out.  Now we will be trying to catch a new litter of kitties to get fixed.  Our expensive invaders are winning the population battle.

Even after picking up misc nails and screws for 25 years around the front and side of the house we still have tons.  I borrowed Melissa's rolling magnet and look what I got in just a few walk arounds.  We have collected several buckets over the years. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jack is one of The Beatles.  A concert is coming up for the Grand Junction Symphony.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Death Round-Up

this is an album of photos.  The round-up is the end of the road for the horses and the corrupt government is using our tax dollars to do it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


rag strips

4 strands worsted weight

cotton yarn
I spent some time during the coldest part of winter in front of the tv, by the fire, making some new things. I used fabric strips or wool or cotton yarn.
  Click on any pic for the enlargement.
cotton yarn

cotton yarn

fabric strips

fabric strips

3 strands of worsted yarn and 1 strand of twine

fabric strips all rolled up

Friday, January 18, 2013

Homemade Laundry Soap

I saw a link on Melissa's Facebook and got the ingredients.  The lady at the checkout saw the items and told me she makes hers.  I am quite 'primitive' with my new soap and making the rag rugs.

rag rugs