I let 2 months go by. A long and hot summer and a strange one, too. Fires and floods on the Front Range but dry as a bone here. I spent more time training horses than riding them and it was fine. The two girls from Vision One kept me busy and my usual riding friends were also otherwise occupied. The garden flourished until I lost control of the weeds around the end of July. It only took a couple of good rains and I was buried hopelessly in weeds. I am in the process of pulling up the vegetables and picking what is still likely to ripen and I will spray the heck out of the weeds that took over. That might help the perennial weeds from coming up next spring. Otherwise, I am going to grow way less so I can keep control.
I am completely freaked out at the state of these once United States. Right before my eyes we are being balkanized beyond recovery, our culture being suffocated by 3rd world uncivilized barbarians. The middle east is also in transition and all sovereign nations are being burned out and taken over by pure evil as the savages are armed with US weapons to kill moderates, Christians and create one giant shythole of blood thirsty druids.
Americans are being treated like second class citizens while arabs and invading mexicans are given cities and put on the gravy train. The fundamental transformation the muslim in chief is in full swing and the DC traitors paid and elected to protect Americans has joined the global cabal against us. International jihad is taking place via orders from the Oval Office and the CFR/UN ghoul despots who have couped the US govt.
I spend some time on the website articles where there is a disqus discussion room below the article. I have been astonished and saddened at the number of Americans who are still following this scum raghead communist in chief. They rabidly support his shenanigans because they don't know any better. They have been brainwashed in the CommonCoreAgenda21 goolag schools and completely divided from anything about patriotism, God or love of country. They are indoctrinated against the real history of our country and taught to despise American culture. There is divide and conquer and controlled opposition at work to take down our Christian sovereign nation.
As fall comes to the Rockies and we have storage food, lots of wood and we are remote enough not to be in the mix of the matrix, I thank God for divinely bestowed liberty and pray that evil perpetrators and the foolish sheep who worship the demons will be smitten and our nation as well as other once free and sovereign nations will survive global hell on earth. I know that I am a spirit living in a body and the Blood of Jesus courses through my veins.