Wednesday, January 21, 2015
We are betrayed by the ones we elected to serve, protect and ensure our domestic tranquility.  They are agents of the new world order and serving us up to world tyranny.  Europe is conquered and Africa and Arabia are on fire.  We are being colonized by mestizos and treasonous congress funds it all.  We have foreign nations within our boundary and our border is erased.  Anyone around the world can come, get everything for free and vote.  We have no nation.  Our children are doomed.

Time is rudely passing so quickly now that we are in the dawn of wickedness and evil worldwide!  The thieves not only steal our freedom, country and wealth but our future and our past.

I feel like posting pictures. 
                                                    Catie with her Frozen gear.  Age 2.5
                                              Beloved Dusty and Red, siblings, age 19