Thursday, April 3, 2014

Twilight Zone

Everyone knows I live a rural life and I have very little experience with bureaucracies.  I had the horror of one today and I don’t think I will ever be the same.  How this nation has gotten to this state of govt is God is repulsive and treasonous. It was degrading, unnecessary and a total violation of Divine Rights.  Due to open borders, decades of parasitic immigrants from 3rd world cultures who have no clue what freedom is and decades of brainwashing in govt commoncore schools has turned a free and sovereign nation into a shithole of control and disrespect for the American people.  This nation is not recognizable as the USA, but a balkanized communist police state.

I drove my friend to the SSA office in Montrose and it might as well have been entering a communist compound .  You go into an anteroom and wait as one customer at a time is allowed in the main room.  When they let you in you are questioned and searched by a guard in uniform, show id, can’t use your cell phone and told you may not take pictures and given a number where you wait and stare at a screen brainwashing you in multiple languages about how awesome the govt is and watch propaganda about how “people risked blizzards, life and limb to make the ACA signup successful”, giant poster of Congressman King from NY (life sized) in spanish and another poster with Andrea Mitchell and Zulu from Star Trek, also life sized, telling you to take the journey to  There is one woman behind glass to deal with the line of people who wait their turn while we stare at the brainwashing screen in multiple languages and when you do get your turn everyone else can hear what your business is.  After all of that, my friend was told by the woman behind glass to go to Delta Health office.  At that office we only got a receptionist and a phone # to make an appt with someone.

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